All Bertazzoni products will be shipped either via LTL, Freight, or if smaller in size, common ground carriers.
Most items are shipped from our warehouse within 3-5 business days. Actual shipping times can vary based on your distance from our warehouse. Once your product has shipped, we will provide tracking information and the carrier name so you can follow your package.
Large items shipped by LTL or Freight will receive a phone call once your item has arrived in your geographic area. You will be contacted using the number left with your order to schedule a time for delivery.
Damage During Shipping
For items that have been damaged during shipping, please ensure you make a note of the damage, take a photo of the damage and immediately notify us of the issue. Please also note the damage on the delivery receipt. We will file a damage claim on your behalf and will work to get a new item sent to you as soon as possible while arranging information to return your damaged item.
If an item has been signifcantly damaged, you may refuse the shipment. Once the item has returned to our warehouse, the item will be inspected. If the item is shown to be damaged, we will exchange it for no cost and reship the replacement item.
Damage NOT Discovered Until The Package Is Opened (After the carrier has left.)
Please take a photo of the damaged item and send the photo along with a description of the damage so we can take appropriate steps to begin a return and a reship of your item.